SolarWorld AG发布2016年第二季度财务业绩

Veröffentlicht auf 02.08.2016
In Q2 2016, SolarWorld AG raised groupwide shipments by 39%, compared with previous year's quarter, to 342 (Q2 2015: 246) megawatts. In H1 2016, SolarWorld increased its shipments by 50% to 682 (H1 2015: 456) megawatts. In Q2 2016, consolidated revenue rose to €222 (Q2 2015: 171) million. In H1 2016, the group reached €434 (H1 2015: 320) million.

SolarWorld managed to increase its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) to €18.5 (Q2 2015: 7.0) million in Q2 2016. In H1 2016, EBITDA rose to €20.5 (H1 2015: 9.9) million.

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) improved to € 6.6 (Q2 2015: -4.2) million in Q2 2016. In H1 2016, SolarWorld AG managed to improve EBIT to €-3.1 (H1 2015: -12.2) million.

At the cut-off date June 30, 2016, the group had liquid funds of €148 (March 31, 2016: 183) million, after it had made repayments of loans and interest payments in an amount of €27 million and invested € 9 million in production plants in Q2 2016.

Mid-year, price pressure on the international solar market increased. Due to this market development, SolarWorld will reach EBIT in a range between € -10 million and € +10 million for the full year 2016. The group still expects to be able to raise its shipments by more than 20 percent in 2016, compared with previous year (2015: 1,159MW). Consolidated revenue should also increase by more than 20 percent, compared with previous year (2015: €763 million). SolarWorld is striving to reach up to € 1 billion of revenue in 2016.

Quelle: SolarWorld
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