SolarWorld Industries GmbH

SolarWorld Industries GmbH

Martin-Luther-King-Str. 24, 53175 Bonn
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Deutschland Deutschland

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Nützliche Kontakte


Monokristallin, Polykristallin


The quality of this material is very good, all the components of the panel are excellent, for both mounting systems and production. We have never had any problem with the warranty of these products.

-- Javier , Norsol Energia Solar

We like both the quality of the manufacturer of these panels and the positive tolerance that they have. We have never had any problems with them so we are very pleased.

-- Raul , Calidad de Ambiente S.L.

This panels offer a good performance and are not difficult to maintain.

-- AECS Olivier Charcellay

We started using this brand because of a recommendation from our distributor, and we didn’t have any problem so far. The price of the product is satisfactory, so it is a good value for your money.

-- Amsolar

We, Solar Electrical Services, have been using Solarworld brand for many years. Their products can be operational for 20 years plus. Solarworld modules have proven quality and proven performances. We are willing to recommend this brand.

-- Reg Dwyer, Solar Electrical Services Pty Ltd.

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