Pro Engineering Co., Ltd.

Pro Engineering Co., Ltd.

54th(B) Street, Between 26&27, Mandalay, 05021
+95 9251 164 627
Myanmar Myanmar

Mitarbeiter Informationen


Unternehmen Beschreibung

“Pro Engineering” is a company is currently focused on PV Energy System Solutions. We are a strong technology and engineering based company with substantial in house knowledge of our products and services.

Pro Engineering Co., Ltd is a leading solar energy company in Myanmar by production, sales and technology. We provide one of the best solutions for both household and commercial at an unbeatable price.

Our technology is distinguished through higher electricity yield in actual operating conditions. All our products and services are customer-focused and we cater to the home energy system to power plant development whilst providing comprehensive support before and after sales.


Größe der Installation
Kleine Installationen
Sonstiger Service
Bewertung, Planung, Überwachung, Training
Installationen in
Lieferanten von Solarmodulen
Letzte Aktualisierung