
Veröffentlicht auf 30.04.2015
Alpiq InTec Ost 
Alpiq has put its largest photovoltaic system with an output of 1.2MW into operation. Located in Kestenholz in the Swiss canton of Solothurn, the 7,399-square-metre system generates approximately 1,200,000kWh of electricity per year. With this system, Alpiq underpins its competence in the project management, planning, construction and operation of decentralised energy generation systems. Within the context of the strategic realignment, Alpiq is further expanding its service offerings.

Alpiq carried out the project management for the photovoltaic system in the form of a comprehensive solution and will also operate the system. With a surface area of 7,399 square metres, 4,549 solar modules generate approximately 1,200,000kWh per year. The generated energy is fed directly into the local electricity grid. The electricity generation is equivalent to the annual consumption of approximately 250 households.

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Alpiq InTec Ost (Solarteure):
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