KACO New Energy助力土耳其光伏市场

Veröffentlicht auf 09.03.2015
In Turkey both the economy and the need for electricity are growing, and the majority of fossil energy sources are imported. With over 1,500 kWh/m2 solar irradiation, photovoltaic is turning out to be the ideal answer to the dilemma. KACO new energy is supplying the optimum solar PV inverter solutions.

In the town of Kayseri a sugar factory is covering its own energy needs with solar power and in Antalya a drinks producer is doing just the same. In Karabuk the "Safran Park" shopping mall is meeting its electricity requirements with photovoltaic. In Turkey, the PV era has just begun and solar PV inverters from KACO new energy have been chosen for many installations to ensure optimum operation.

In February Turkey passed its first national action plan for renewable energies, according to which the country wants to install 5GW of photovoltaic over the next seven years. In order to fulfil these figures, the upswing in Turkey looks set to increase. Indeed, the latest enquiries at KACO new energy are already giving rise to one assumption: 2015 will be a good year on the road to that goal.

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KACO (Komponenten): https://de.enfsolar.com/kaco
KACO (Solarwerkstoffe): https://de.enfsolar.com/kaco
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