9Sun Solar Powers China’s Nuclear-light-storage Multi-energy Integration Intertidal PV Project

Veröffentlicht auf 07.04.2024
9Sun Solar 
Recently, the 200MW intertidal photovoltaic project of China Nuclear Sanmen in Sanmen County, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, has exceeded 20 million kilowatt-hours of electricity generation.

The project covers an overall planned area of about 3,000 acres and was officially connected to the grid for power generation on November 30, 2023. It is the country's first “nuclear-light-storage multi-energy integration” intertidal photovoltaic project. Currently, the construction of pile foundations in the photovoltaic area has been completed for 140MW, and the installation of the mounting system components has been completed for nearly 110MW. After full capacity connection to the grid, it can achieve an annual power generation capacity of 80 million kilowatt-hours.

Quelle: 9Sun Solar
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