Solarpack Starts Construction of 123MW Solar Plant in Chile

Veröffentlicht auf 30.05.2019
Solarpack celebrated, together with KfW IPEX-Bank, the installation ceremony of the first set of modules of the Granja solar project in Chile.

Located in Pozo Almonte, Tarapacá Region, in the Atacama Desert, this project will have an installed capacity of 123MW once in operation, which is scheduled to happen at the end of the year. The project, which will involve a total investment of c. US$ 114 million, has long-term non-recourse agreement granted by KfW IPEX-Bank for up to US$91 million and will sell its energy through 25 long-term energy contracts signed with the main Chilean electricity distribution companies.

Mr. Pablo Burgos (Solarpack) highlighted that: "for Solarpack this project confirms, 11 years after the start of our activity in the country, our long-term commitment to Chile, market which we consider key for the development of our company and the solar photovoltaic industry in general. The Granja project will be one of the most efficient and competitive solar PV plants in the world and will generate more than 340 GWh of clean electricity every year, contributing to the decarbonization of the country's energy matrix."

Quelle: Solarpack
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