IBC Solar与隆基达成合作

Veröffentlicht auf 20.04.2018
IBC Solar  LONGi Solar 
IBC Solar AG adds photovoltaic modules from Longi Solar to its portfolio. With this new partnership, IBC Solar is aiming at a long-term collaboration with the producer of monocrystalline modules and cells.

"IBC Solar has always relied on quality products. We are pleased to have found a new partner in Longi Solar, who guarantees our customers high quality and therefore long-lasting products with maximum yields", says Sebastian Geier, Director of Product Management and Development at IBC SOLAR.

Gerald Patrick Müller, Vice President of Sales Europe at Longi Solar Germany, adds: "We are proud to supply one of the most experienced photovoltaic providers in Germany from now on, laying the foundation for a successful long-term cooperation."

ENF Profile von in diesem Artikel genannten Unternehmen

IBC Solar (Komponenten): https://de.enfsolar.com/ibc-solar
IBC Solar (Solarmodule): https://de.enfsolar.com/ibc-solar
LONGi Solar (Solarmodule): https://de.enfsolar.com/longi-solar
IBC Solar (Solarteure): https://de.enfsolar.com/ibc-solar
LONGi Solar (Solarwerkstoffe): https://de.enfsolar.com/longi-solar
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