Recurrent Energy加利福尼亚州200兆瓦光伏电站投入运营

Veröffentlicht auf 15.12.2016
Recurrent Energy  CSI Solar 
Canadian Solar Inc. today announced the commercial operation of the 200MWac/272MWp Garland Solar Facility in California. The Garland Solar Facility was developed by Recurrent Energy and is majority owned by Southern Company subsidiary Southern Power.

The Garland facility uses approximately 723,000 Canadian Solar CS6X-P photovoltaic (PV) solar modules mounted on single-axis tracking tables. It generates enough clean solar power to meet the energy needs of approximately 50,000 homes.

"The completion of the Garland project is another example of the Recurrent Energy team's high-quality execution on our 1.2 gigawatts of 2016 U.S. solar projects," said Dr. Shawn Qu, chairman and chief executive officer of Canadian Solar.

Electricity and the associated renewable energy credits (RECs) produced by the Garland Solar Facility will be sold under long-term power purchase agreements to Southern California Edison (SCE).

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