Solar Frontier出售其加利福尼亚州15兆瓦光伏项目

Veröffentlicht auf 27.10.2015
Solar Frontier 
Solar Frontier announced today that it has sold a 15MW PV solar project to Southern Power and Turner Renewable Energy.

The project, named Morelos del Sol, is expected to be built with approximately 111,744 CIS modules mounted on single-axis trackers. Located in Kern County, California, the project is part of Solar Frontier's 280MW US solar project development pipeline.

The project developer, Solar Frontier Americas Development LLC, initiated construction on the Morelos del Sol project in July and commercial operation is expected in late November. The company currently has nine PV projects in various stages of development.

Charles Pimentel, COO of Solar Frontier Americas, commented, "Southern Company is a leader in renewable energy development and we are pleased a company of its stature is purchasing Solar Frontier's project."

"As a national leader in renewables, this acquisition fits Southern Power's business strategy of growing the wholesale business by acquiring generating assets and building new units in targeted markets," said Southern Power President and CEO, Oscar C. Harper.

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