

Henri Lebbestraat 188, B- 8790 Waregem
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Belgien Belgien

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Unternehmen Beschreibung

Enfinity is an ambitious business that can be considered as an international reference in the solar energy sector. Enfinity developed, finances and sells integrated solar installations to companies and individuals. Besides its activities in home market Belgium, Enfinity has projects and clients in various countries in Europe, America and Asia. Today Enfinity ensures an installed capacity of 450 MW and can be seen as a major player in the development of solar energy. Annual production of all projects, Enfinity is equivalent to the energy consumption 126,000 families. Moreover, this capacity leads to an annual emission reduction of 335,000 tonnes of CO ².


Monokristallin, Polykristallin


Größe der Installation
Kleine Installationen, 1MWp+ Installationen
Installationen in
Belgien, Frankreich, Indien, Italien, Philippinen
Letzte Aktualisierung