GCL-Poly Releases Second-generation Monocrystalline Silicon Wafer Products

Veröffentlicht auf 27.12.2013

GCL-Poly Energy
Dec. 22, 2013 -  GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited announces the commencement of its commercial mass production for its second-generation monocrystalline silicon wafer products "GCL Monocrystalline G2".

According to testing data provided by multiple clients, "GCL Monocrystalline G2" averages an increase of 1.1% in photovoltaic conversion efficiency and a substantial improvement in silicon wafer performance compared to its first-generation monocrystalline silicon products launched in 2011, and could be used for manufacturing solar photovoltaic modules with output of 280/335W (60/72PCS) or above.

As compared to monocrystalline products manufactured through the traditional ingot-pulling process, this newly launched GCL Monocrystalline G2 delivers an additional gain of 0.5% in and 1% average reduction in lumen degradation, featuring similar conversion efficiency, larger size and low packaging loss – a breakthrough for monocrystalline product with ingot-casting method.

Mr. Shu Hua, Executive President of GCL commented: "In virtue of its prominent competitive edge, GCL efficient wafers accommodate the needs of the market as well as driving the market development, and will become a very influential wafer product series and gradually transform into the mainstream of the monocrystalline products category. Drawing on GCL's reservoir of technology and marketing prowess, GCL Monocrystalline G2 will offer clients more value appreciation. Looking into the future, GCL will continue to provide cusomers the most cost-efficient products and services. Together with our partners, we will make continued efforts to promote the global PV industry and green energy cause".

Quelle: GCL-Poly

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